Only 10-12% passing rate in Civil Service Exams in Davao | Davao Today

Only 10-12% passing rate in Civil Service Exams in Davao

Feb. 10, 2014


The passing rate for those who took the career service examinations for entry to government positions has only reached 10 to 12% for some 15,000 takers in Davao and Tagum Cities last year.

Based on a report from the Civil Service Commission Region 11, the latest service exams held in October last year had only 898 passers out of 16,901 applicants from both professional and sub-professionals in Davao and Tagum.

There were more passers at the professional level with 810, but its passing percentage is at 10.69%.

The sub-professionals only had 88 passers with a percentage of 12.39%.

CSC regional Director said Annabelle Rosell noted that fresh graduates tend to have a higher passing rate and suggested examinees to refresh on subjects from current events to basic scholastic subjects.

Even with the low passing rate, the CSC allows examinees to retake the same examination regardless of the number of times, but must not be retaken within three months of the previous exams.

The CSC has scheduled its examination this April 6, Sunday and the application is open this February 15 to 20, and applications can file at SM City Davao Ecoland, at the third floor besides the office of the Department of Foreign Affairs.

The examination is open to all Filipino citizens at least 18 years old, regardless of educational attainment.

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