TRAFFIC CONGESTION. City Transport and Traffic Management Office head Rhodelio Poliquit says they are proposing the city to buy four towing cars to aid in decongesting the roads in the city that has been used as parking areas by some car owners. (Ace R. Morandante/

TRAFFIC CONGESTION. City Transport and Traffic Management Office head Rhodelio Poliquit says they are proposing the city to buy four towing cars to aid in decongesting the roads in the city that has been used as parking areas by some car owners. (Ace R. Morandante/

DAVAO CITY – The Davao City Transport and Traffic Management Office disclosed that the city needs to have towing cars to free up more parking spaces and ease traffic congestion.

CTTMO Chief Rhodelio Poliquit on Thursday said the main problem of the city’s traffic is the increasing number of streets used as parking area during daytime, and even during midnight when parked vehicles clog the side streets.

Poliquit cited as example the situation along Malvar and Dumanlas roads where cars have taken up too much space.

“Go to Malvar Street. There seems to be no more roads as you can only see cars along the street. Our Dumanlas Street, which was widened to serve as an alternate route from north going to our central district, was used as a parking space where car owners even cover their cars with blankets. So we cannot do anything but to use towing cars,” said Poliquit.

Poliquit said towing cars will reduce the number of vehicles along the roads. Poliquit said towing cars will force car owners to be aware of their responsibilities.

“Some of our drivers are too complacent because they knew that the city does not have towing car, others would even opt not to go out anymore,” he said.

Poliquit said that the city would need four towing cars, currently valued at P1 million each. He said though, he has found cheaper towing cars which only needs minimal maintenance.

The CTTMO currently owns 75 motorcycles and 11 mobile cars for their operations. He also said the office is now preparing to become a department under the city government. (

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