Davao Today's Anniversary Statement | Davao Today

Davao Today’s Anniversary Statement

Nov. 07, 2020

The year 2020 marks the 15th anniversary of Davao Today. Amid the social and health crisis we face today, comes a time of our role for the reading public.

It has been fifteen years since that time when a few brave journalists created perhaps the first online news outfit in Davao City, with the purpose of truth-telling and giving voice to the margins.

Guided also by journalism ethics and the relevance of transformative journalism, the stories of the diverse experiences and encounters with the people of Mindanao began.

Through the years, advancement in digital technology helped pushed the likes of social and web media to become a venue for citizens and independent journalism to seek truth to power. It has also seen challenges from armies of disinformation and attacks which we strive to push back.

Through the years, the people in Mindanao continue to strive for the ever evading challenge of change. Davao Today as well has its share of facing all these challenges, braving the divisive times to bring reportage from the fringes.

We continue to strive in these times, as we continue to enrich and immerse our experience with the communities we worked with.

As changes and challenges in the media industry and the nation goes on, Davao Today strives to remain committed to serve and advance to the heights of people’s journalism. (davaotoday.com)