Typhoon Pablo in retrospect | Davao Today

Typhoon Pablo in retrospect

Dec. 05, 2013

The story of 2012 was the fury of Typhoon Pablo (International name Bopha), a category 5 storm that left 1,043 dead and 800 more missing, destroyed P26-billion worth of agricultural crops and P7-billion in infrastructure.

Revisit the stories and struggles of Typhoon Pablo survivors as covered by Davao Today.

(some photos lifted from Davao Today’s soon-to-be-released photobook on Pablo)

New Bataan Church_Ace

ComVal badly hit by typhoon Pablo
December 04, 2012

Typhoon Pablo goes out of Davao, leaves a trail of deaths, damages
December 05, 2012

Compostela highway_Barry

ComVal now in state of calamity, death toll rises to 200
December 05, 2012

Mining blamed for tragic effect of typhoon Pablo
December 07, 2012

Loss and horror as Davao Oriental sees eye of the storm
December 15, 2012


Pablo-ravaged Cateel town badly needs medicines, food
December 08, 2012

US Aid_Ace

 Today’s View: Examining charity work in Typhoon Pablo
December 08, 2012

Gold town folks lament lack of gov’t aid for Pablo
December 09, 2012

Compostela residents at a loss on how to start life after Pablo
December 10, 2012

scavenging 2_Ace

Cateel folks angry, cry for relief
December 15, 2012

Cancel “logging permits” in Davao Oriental, envi rights group says
December 19, 2012

Today’s View: Human Rights and Pablo
December 16, 2012

‘Pablo’ destroyed 200-million worth of coop’s electricity equipment
December 29, 2012


barricade_dinky 2_Ace

5,000 angry Pablo victims barricade ComVal-national highway
January 15, 2013

Dying for relief: IP women survivors of Pablo tell stories through the barricades
January 17, 2013

Post Pablo: banana farmers, growers lament vs union busting, high-interest loans
January 25, 2013

After the storm, they barricaded; now they get sued
January 28, 2013

Matigsalug leader_Ace

 Today’s View: People telling the truth are not cowed
February 06, 2013

 More persecution for Pablo barricaders
February 09, 2013

More irregularities in DSWD rehab for Pablo victims raised
February 15, 2013


Angry Pablo victims storm DSWD; seize relief goods
February 26, 2013

 Pablo survivors, DSWD reach agreement
February 28, 2013

Lumads, peasants block the gates of Apex mining company; assert environmental rights
March 11, 2013

 Pablo victims’ barricade paralyzes mining firm operations
March 26, 2013

Rainforestation brings hope to Pablo-stricken community
April 29, 2013


Leader of Pablo victims’ movement shot dead
March 04, 2013

“Aguy, I have been shot!”
March 05, 2013

Sister of Benjie Planos, slain leader of the Agusan Manobo group, wails and clings to his body during his burial on Tuesday. Planos’ murder comes weeks after the Manobos returned to their community after an agreement to stop militarization in their community in Loreto, Agusan del Sur. The Manobos pin his murder on paramilitary and soldiers. (davaotoday.com photo by Earl O. Condeza)

Leader of Agusanon Manobos killed, hacked in front of children
September 14, 2013

Peasant leader’s death in Agusan raises new fears
September 26, 2013


Military denies earlier reported US troops deployment in Pablo areas, but groups wary of cover-up
April 13, 2013

Pablo relief mission stranded due to military harassment
April 20, 2013

 Stranded Pablo mission rescued, military blamed
April 21, 2013

Blocked, delayed, 1,000 Earth Day protesters hold another barricade in DavOr
April 23, 2013

Uncovering the terror in Baganga
April 25, 2013


Surviving Pablo, the Manobos’ story [Part 2 in a 3-part series]
August 20, 2013

Pablo-rehab village of Compostela driven out by militarization
October 05, 2013

RELEASE KIM GARGAR Kim Gargar's sister (center) and colleagues from the scientist group AGHAM demand for his immediate release, as they slammed the illegal arrest and vilification by the Philippine Army against the scientist. (contributed photo)

Jailed scientist’s research part of Pablo recovery plans – group
October 11, 2013


After Pablo, ComVal still far from recovery
June 25, 2013

ISM Presscon July 17 2013

Foreign peace advocates score “neglected” condition in Typhoon Pablo areas
July 18, 2013

Typhoon Pablo survivors forge pact vs. SMC mining
September 20, 2013

DA-XI seeks Php 1-B for rehab of Pablo-hit farms
September 25, 2013


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