US-based Gabriela demands complete vindication of Philippines’s Batasan 6

Jun. 04, 2007

While GABNet welcomes the Philippines Supreme Court dismissal last Friday, June 1, 2007 of rebellion cases against six progressive congress representatives, the US Based, Philippine- US womens organization insists that the ruling by itself is not nearly enough. The Philippine Dept of Justice, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine National Police, and Philippine de facto president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo must be held accountable.

Since February 2006, the six law makers (Batasaan 6), including GWPs Representative, Liza Maza, have been subjected to intense harassment. Five of them spent more than two months cloistered in their offices, fearing for their lives and warrantless arrest. One of them, representative Crispin Beltran was arrested on Feb 26, 2006 and remains under hospital arrest even after the Supreme Court ruling.

The Batasaan 6 must be compensated for legal fees, time wasted, plus punitive damage for physical and psychological trauma. Representative Beltran must be released immediately. The Supreme Court is just the first step, stated GABNet Secretary General, Dorotea Mendoza, There has to be complete acknowledgement about the injustice that has occurred.

The US government must immediately cease its political, financial, and military support for a Philippine administration characterized by corruption and human rights violations. Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo was proven to have cheated in the 2004 presidential elections. Her administration has not genuinely investigated the more than 850 political killings in the country. In fact, numerous evidence and witnesses point to the Armed Forces of the Philippines as perpetrators of these killings, and in fact, Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo has honored and promoted AFP commanding officers to whom the blood trails lead.

Mrs. Arroyos government must be held accountable for the terror and havoc that continues to plague the Philippines. This must include the absolute vindication of and full compensation for the Batasaan 6 who despite threats to their lives continue to represent the marginalized populations of the Philippines. ###

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