Duterte's first 100 days: OPAPP to launch peace app, 'public conversation' series in Mindanao | Davao Today

Duterte’s first 100 days: OPAPP to launch peace app, ‘public conversation’ series in Mindanao

Oct. 05, 2016

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — The Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process will launch a mobile-based peace application and series of “public conversations” in Mindanao as the Duterte administration is nearing to its first 100-day, an official said yesterday.

Patricia Melizza B. Ruivivar, OPAPP communications director told DavaoToday that a social networking application called PeaceBOC (Peace Buddies Organizing for Change)  will be officially launched to commemorate the event.

“We are  going to launch the peace app that we have so that people can participate directly  by giving their input to the peace process through social media. Using the app they can also access information and be updated,” she said.

Ruivivar said through the PeaceBOC app “peace builders” across the country can get the latest updates, news and other materials about the peace process.

“This is an opportunity for you to be engaged now and to be really taken seriously with your proposals. OPAAP welcomes creative ideas from people who are not involved in the peace process by drawing them— scientists, millenials. That’s why we have this peace hacks because we need to think outside of the box to seek creative solutions from outside,” she added.

OPAAP’s PeaceBOC app features “President’s Peace Challenge” where “people can perform challenges that aim to promote collective action and inclusivity towards real change and genuine peace.”

“We want to capture the most creative and captivating entries. By promoting the hashtag #TayoAngKapayapaan,  they will have a chance to be featured on the social media pages of OPAPP,” she said.

The PeaceBOC app can be downloaded for free via Apple’s App Store and Google’s Google Play platforms.

Meanwhile, Ruivivar has expressed optimism that both the Government of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front would be able to “agree” on the substantive agenda on socio-economic reforms, political and constitutional reforms, end of hostilities and disposition of forces.

“It is important that both parties agree on what will be the items to be included in the respective substantive agenda. And also the discussion on the proposed bilateral ceasefire,” she said.

The GRP-NDF will have the second round of talks from October 6-10, 2016.  OPAPP said both parties will take up a proposed amnesty proclamation for all listed detained NDF members.

As the first 100 days of the Duterte administration nears,  Ruivivar said  Presidential Peace Adviser Jesus Dureza  Sec. Dureza will present  the achievements of OPAAP.

“We are engaging the Filipino communities in Europe especially in Oslo to be our peace ambassadors.  We are going to have a ceremony, appointing leaders in the Filipino community in Europe during the celebration of the  first 100 Day,” she said.(davaotoday.com)