MILF: exec order to speed up Bangsamoro peace process | Davao Today
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte chats with Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim on the sidelines of the signing ceremony for the Executive Order reconstituting the Bangsamoro Transition Commission in Malacañan on November 7. (King Rodriguez/Presidential Photo)

President Rodrigo Duterte chats with Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim on the sidelines of the signing ceremony for the Executive Order reconstituting the Bangsamoro Transition Commission in Malacañan on November 7. (King Rodriguez/Presidential Photo)

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Leaders of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front believed that the signing of the executive order reconstituting the Bangsamoro Transition Commission will expedite the signing of a peace agreement.

“Today, indeed, is a special day, and I am elated to witness the triumph of our collective desire, to continue to pursue the path of peace, despite the many challenges and so build on the cumulative gains of our peace process. This certainly will hasten the process that will lead us to the full implementation of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro and the other agreements,” said MILF Chair Al Hadj Murad Ebrahim during his speech in Malacañan on Monday.

President Rodrigo Duterte signed EO 8 to amend a previous executive order on Bangsamoro Transition Commission.

EO 8 states the government is committed “to build on the gains of the Bangsamoro peace process with a view to the drafting of a new proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law.”

Under the EO, the new BTC will increase its number from 15 to 21 who will be appointed by the President. The MILF will have 11 nominees while the government panel will have 10 nominees, including three slots for the Moro National Liberation Front’s faction under former Cotabato City Mayor Mulimin Sema.

The draft proposals for a Bangsamoro Basic Law will be submitted to the Office of the President and to Congress.

The BTC will also recommend proposed amendments to the 1987 Philippine Constitution if necessary. It will also convene an inclusive Bangsamoro Assembly, where it will discuss the proposed BBL.

Full implementation of CAB

The MILF leader hoped the EO will lead to the full implementation of the CAB signed between the government on March 27, 2014.

“The (CAB) is the embodiment of the legitimate aspiration of the Bangsamoro people to determine their future and govern themselves within the larger Philippine republic. It is an important stake to ascertain what the president has always been mentioning, the historic injustices committed against the Bangsamoro people,” Murad said.

He said the BBL “will translate the aspiration of everyone for lasting peace and development in our homeland.”

“I stand before you not to assert my leadership of a movement that has fought the government for more than 40 years. I stand before you to represent and assert the legitimate interests and aspirations of my people, whose desire for peace and justice has long been denied,” Murad said.

Rebirth, rekindled hope

Mohagher Iqbal, chairman of the MILF Peace Implementing Panel, said the signing of the EO “rekindles” their hope for an early passage of the law that will create the Bangsamoro government.

“With this EO, the task of enhancing the BBL, is expected to commence sooner than we can anticipate,” Iqbal said.

He said  the new EO “would give a renewed hope for the early passage of the BBL.”

“When that happens Inshallah (if God wills) we would be witnessing the resolution of the more than four decades of  conflict in Mindanao during the term of his excellency President Rodrigo Duterte , a fellow Mindanaoan with Moro ancestry,” said Iqbal.

Murad also said that the signing of the EO is a “rebirth of a new hope” to achieve peace in Mindanao.

“The law is not owned by anyone but everyone owns it. It is a peace covenant forged in the historical injustices so that henceforth, we may no longer seek to destroy each other, but instead build our country together,” he said.

Duterte asks Congress: fast-track passage

In his message, Duterte said he will talk to the leaders in Congress to fast-track the passage of the BBL.

“From the time that we sign the document, I will see to it, I will talk to the speaker and the senate, pres, and leader to fast track it,” Duterte said.

He said achieving a peace agreement with the  communists and Moro groups would mean that he has succeeded in his presidency.

“Maski yan na lang (If I could have just that), if I could get a peace agreement with the Communist and I hammer out something for the MN, MI and to all the Moro groupings and even the ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group), if I could just extend my hand in friendship,and just tell them that it is time to just really have a country which is normal and peaceful and for our children to grow in peace, then I would have succeeded,”  he said.

The previous Congress failed to pass the proposed BBL.(