Moro councilor condemns attack in Aleppo | Davao Today

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — A Moro councilor here condemned the recent skirmishes between the Syria government and rebels in Aleppo, Syria that displaced and killed thousands of civilians.

During her privilege speech in the session hall on Friday, Dec. 16, Councilor Bai Halila Sudagar, an Indigenous People representative from Kagan tribe, has expressed her sympathies to the Syrians.

Sudagar said the war that has been raging for years now has no justification for the death of civilian casualties especially the women and children.

“We recognize the right of the various groups to fight for democracy and self-determination but there can never be any recognition for the justification of the murder of innocent civilians especially of women and children,” she said.

Proxy war of global powers

Sudagar said the civil war in Syria has become a “proxy war” of countries with global power.

The IP representative pointed out her condemnation to the constant meddling of foreign powers to the Syrian government.

“They had turn the Syrian war into a battle ground for political and military dominants,” she said.

Sudagar said these foreign countries only protect their national interests at the expense of other countries whose population suffered with violations and casualties.

“The price of all these politics is the life of countless Muslims and innocent individuals,” she said.

Five years since the Syrian war started, an estimate of 450,000 deaths of Muslim and non-Muslim casualties were recorded, according to Sudagar.

“Life is cheap in Syria, we must not turn a blind eye from the plight of the Syrian victims of war,” she said.

The councilor urged the public to join the calls to end indiscriminate violence of Syrian war that killed lives of the innocent civilians.

“We urge the international committee to ensure that the Syrian government and rebel forces respect the sanctity of human life and protect noncombatants especially children who are the biggest victims of this war,” she said.

Sudagar explained there is no point of fighting for a nation if they will include the children whom she described as the future of the country.

“For us to achieve our own freedoms here, we empathize for the many who also fight for their very own survival,” she said.

Sudagar claimed that the suffering of the civilians in Aleppo regardless of political, cultural or religious differences is also the suffering of the humanity.

“We must pay attention to the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Syria, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Let us extend our sympathies and support that they may endure this dark period of the history,” Sudagar said. (