NPA still investigating POW Cammayo, assures family of his safety | Davao Today

NPA still investigating POW Cammayo, assures family of his safety

Nov. 19, 2008

The Merardo Arce command-Southern Mindanao regional operations command of the New People’s Army congratulates the Alejandro Lanaja command-front 3 operations command-NPA for the outstanding tactical offensive it launched against the 3rd special forces battalion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in sitio Anagase, Barangay Casoon, Monkayo, Compostela Valley Province last November 7, 2008.

The smashing blow the ALC-NPA delivered on an enemy unit touted as the regime’s elite combat forces is a testament to the increasing military capabilities of the NPA. It is an apt punishment to the AFP and the fascist and corrupt Arroyo regime for the grave atrocities it has committed and continue to commit against the Filipino masses.

First liutenant Vicente P. Cammayo (serial # 864629), company commander of the 11th special forces company-3rd SF battalion-AFP surrendered when his troops were roundly defeated. He was taken as an NPA prisoner of war (POW). Cammayo is undergoing investigation for possible serious human rights violations, violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and crimes against the people he may have committed in the course of his participation in the counterrevolutionary Oplan Bantay Laya I and II as an officer of the Arroyo regime’s fascist armed forces.

His rights as a POW are guaranteed in consonance with the NPA’s Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points of Attention and Protocol II of the Geneva Convention. The track record of the people’s army in upholding the revolutionary policy of humane and lenient treatment of POWs stands firmly and speaks clearly about respect to the rights of POWs.

We assure his wife and family that he is well and is adapting to the guerrilla conditions of his captivity. The only cause of POW Cammayo’s safety being imperiled emanates from the 10th Infantry Division’s futile attempt to mount a rescue operation.

The MAC-NPA has ordered the ALC-NPA to set up a Camp for the Administration of Detainees (CAD) and assign a custodial unit for POW Cammayo.

For reference:

(Sgd) Rigoberto F. Sanchez


Merardo Arce Command

Southern Mindanao Regional Operations Command

New People’s Army

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