Parents enjoined to rally vs K-12 | Davao Today

Parents enjoined to rally vs K-12

May. 06, 2015

DAVAO CITY – An alliance against K-12 program is urging the parents to ask the government to suspend the implementation of the education program saying it is an ill-prepared program.

Dr. David San Juan, spokesperson of K to 12 Alliance, said the program will only worsen shortages in classrooms, facilities, teachers and other personnel needed in the present 10-year education program.

San Juan said the program “is a product of minimal and undemocratic consultations with the teachers, parents and students.”

“The government through the years had never allocated more than 4% of our GDP for education, despite the fact that the global standard is at least 6%,” San Juan said.

“Considering that more than 20 million Filipinos are poor as per official government statistics (close to 40 million as per World Bank data), adding two more years in high school will certainly be financially burdensome for many families at this point, hence it is an indirect assault to our people’s right to education,” San Juan said.

Lawmakers recently filed a petition before the Supreme Court to declare K-12 unconstitutional. But the Department of Education said they see “no excuse” for them not to implement the program.

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