Military lying: not a single red fighter killed during Dapa and General Luna raids and subsequent pursuit operations | Davao Today

Military lying: not a single red fighter killed during Dapa and General Luna raids and subsequent pursuit operations

Jul. 22, 2008

The National Democratic Front in north eastern Mindanao (NDF-NEMR) congratulates the Pulang Diwata command-New People’s Army (NPA) in Surigao del Norte for the daring and successful simultaneous raids of the Police Stations of Dapa and General Luna, the CAFGU detachment in General Luna and the simultaneous destruction of three Globe relay stations in same areas on June 28, 2008. The red fighters seized at least six M16 rifles and 11 short firearms. Various ammunitions and uniforms were also seized.

It further congratulates the red fighters for successfully resisting the regional mobile group (RMG) and the 30th infantry battalion (IB) who pursued them on June 29, 2008 in Claver, Surigao del Norte, which resulted to the killing of at least two RMG officials and the wounding of a number of military elements from the 30th IB.

The NDF-NEMR refutes the claim of major Armand Rico, spokesperson of the military’s eastern Mindanao command, and major Michelle Anayron, information officer of the Army 4th infantry division, that five red fighters were captured and nine more killed during the said pursuit operations.

Not a single red fighter was killed in spite of massive pursuit operations and air assault of the RMG and the military as the red fighters were able to immediately gain higher ground and engage the enemy. The red fighters successfully resisted and were able to withdraw safely. Some red fighters however, left their backpacks in one of the pump boats as they positioned themselves to fight back.

The police and military arrested pump boat operators who were hired by the red fighters and are passing them off as members of the NPA raiding team. These pump boat operators did not know that those who hired them were members of the NPA or that they will be raiding the police stations in Dapa and General Luna. We dare the police and military to name and show the bodies of killed NPAs. We dare them to present those they claim as captured NPAs and to give them due process in accordance with international humanitarian laws.

The revolutionary movement also condemns the hamletting of barangay Lapinigan, Claver, which started last June 29, 2008, along with the illegal arrest of civilians. In their desperate efforts to pursue the red fighters, the military and police forces use fascist tactics and are violating the human rights of civilians.

The NDF-NEMR challenges the people and the media to ask the witnesses and the municipal and barangay officials of Claver on the real events that transpired on June 29, 2008.

The victorious raids of the Pulang Diwata command-NPA in Dapa and General Luna and the successful defense action against the pursuit operations of the RMG and military shows the capability of the NPA to engage the enemy as it defends the people from abuse of power, exploitation and oppression through punishing abusive government officials, police force and the military. It is a testimony of the defeat of Oplan Bantay Laya II and the advancement of the revolutionary movement.

Long live the New People’s Army!

Defeat Oplan Bantay Laya II!

Onward with the revolution!

(Sgd.) Ka Maria Malaya


National Democratic Front-North Eastern Mindanao Region

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