Ride for the Eagle slated | Davao Today

By Yoshiko Shanez Balagon, Davao Today Intern

DAVAO CITY – The Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) is holding its second fun bike ride fundraising event dubbed “Ride for the Eagle” on March 22.

The event features a 23-kilometer ride and is expected to engage 600 biker-participants.

Fundraising Officer Andy Baldonado said they are targetting to raise up to P100,000 this year.

“We are hopeful this year because [we] can see that there have been more bikers in Davao. So we are encouraging all the big bikers to join,” Baldonado said.

Baldonado said that the bike ride aims to “create awareness about the need to continue protecting the endangered Philippine Eagle and to raise funds to fuel PEF’s programs: research and conservation, conservation breeding, and education.”

“All our programs need funding. But this year, we want to be able to focus on our education campaign,” Baldonado said.

Registration fee is 400 pesos, inclusive of a shirt, packed lunch. Registration started on Monday and will continue until March 22 at the Security Office of Marco Polo Davao or at Philippine Eagle Foundation. (davaotoday.com)