Davaoeño ranks 5th in Chemist Licensure Exam | Davao Today

DAVAO CITY — A graduate of the Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) ranked fifth in the nationwide Chemist Licensure Examination held this month in Manila.

The Professional Regulation Commission announced Thursday that 414 out of the 771 passed the Chemist Licensure Examination given by the Board of Chemistry.

In top five was Kenon Gabriel Castillo Vinson of AdDU who got 89.50 rating.

Five graduates from University of the Philippines Manila were also included in top five. Abdul Rashid Sampaco III topped the exam with 92.25% rating; Gabriel Luis Neri shared the top 2 spot with Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City graduate Patrick James Cruz with 91.25%; Aaron John Balana and Edward Gabrielle Hilvano in third rank both got 90.25%; and John Luis Villanueva in top 4 got 89.75%.

Two other Davaoeños also passed the examinations. One was Siegfred Pusta,of the AdDu and the other was Russel Enoc of the University of Immaculate Conception here.

PRC in its website said the members of the Board of Chemistry who gave the licensure examination were Ms. Adoracion P. Resurreccion, chairman and Ms. Soledad S. Castañeda, member.

(See the list of successful examinees here)

“Those who failed to pass the board examination for Chemist but had obtained a rating of at least 70% in any two subjects can register as Chemical Technician,” PRC said. (davaotoday.com)