Group urges owner to abort Sual coal-fed power project | Davao Today

Group urges owner to abort Sual coal-fed power project

Feb. 08, 2017

DAVAO CITY, Philippines—The Philippine Movement for Climate Justice on Wednesday urged the Phinma Energy Corporation to abort the planned 900 ​megawatt coal-fired power plant in Sual, Pangasinan.

PMCJ’s statement came as the power solution company deferred the implementation of its proposed 900-​MW Sual coal-fired power facility because of the projected capacity surplus.

PHINMA Energy President Francisco L. Viray said the company is looking at 2023 to 2025 timeline, adding that the deferment of the Sual coal-fired power plant.

While PMCJ lauded the move of Phinma Energy Corporation, it advised the company to invest in renewable energy projects than on coal.

“Phinma has to decide to delist coal projects in their investments as this will turn out to be a stranded asset as renewable energy (RE) becomes more viable. Business-wise, investing in RE will yield far more returns because it is now cheaper, safer and with no negative externalities,” Ian Rivera, national coordinator of PMCJ, said in a statement.

Rivera said there are 25 existing and operational coal-fired power plants all over the country including the 1,294 MW coal plant in Sual, Pangasinan. In addition, 35 coal plant projects are in the pipeline aside from the planned 900 MW project of Phinma.

He maintained that “coal is dirty and costly considering the harm and danger it poses to people and environment,” citing the case in Limay, Bataan where host barangays are suffering from ill effects of the bottom ash produced from the operation of two coal plants in the area.

According to Rivera, a 140MW coal plant owned by Petron Refinery and the 300MW of San Miguel Global Power Corporation are currently running on a series of tests. (