Davao councilors differ views on death penalty | Davao Today

Davao councilors differ views on death penalty

Mar. 08, 2017

L-R: Davao City Councilors Bernard Al-ag, Bai Halila Sudagar, Leah Librado-Yap. (davaotoday.com file photos)

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Members of the ​City ​Council here share different view​s on House Bill 4727 or the Death Penalty bill​ recently​ passed by the House of Representatives.

First district councilor Bernard Al-ag said he personally support the bill​ but asked ​why the bill only punishes heinous crimes related to drugs.

“​Why is there only one item? My position is I support this but with addition of more heinous crimes. Dapat dugangan pa (they should add more),” Al-ag said.

The Indigenous People’ representative to the ​C​ouncil, Bai Halila Sudagar, also agreed on the bill but expressed dismay that rape was not included ​in the list o​f c​rimes.

The removal of rape and plunder w​ere the amendments by House Speaker himself, Pantaleon Alvarez​, apparently to get the Lower House to vote on it.

“It hurts to hear that they would just easily forgive [the rape suspect] on a crime that is hard to accept,” Sudagar said, adding that rape is the “worst form” of human rights violation.

However, Councilor Leah Librado said bringing back death penalty will not deter crimes.

“They will be afraid to commit crimes but it wont prevent it from happening because of certain circumstances, there would still be crimes happening,” she said.

Librado said she still do not consider death penalty as punishment to drug-related cases.

“Again, it is not yet deterrent, there are still deeper reasons on how this could be resolved,” Librado said, adding that only the government could help suspects of drug related cases.

The councilor said there is a reason to be addressed on what made ​drug users commit crimes.

The House of Representatives has approved the reimposition of the death penalty for drug-related cases.
Malacañang said the  restoration of capital punishment “underlines the Duterte administration’s goal to reduce illegal drug-related criminality.”
“he death penalty, with its strong deterrent effects, protects innocent lives.  At the same time, its punitive aspect ensures that criminals recompense grievous loss,” said Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella in a statement Tuesday.
“We trust the bill will also be passed in the Senate considering that it is a vital tool in the Duterte administration’s war on drugs and criminality,” he said.(davaotoday.com)