Green Forum for SouthCot farmers airing on April 22 | Davao Today

Green Forum for SouthCot farmers airing on April 22

Apr. 21, 2022

The candidate’s forum will be aired live via the Facebook pages of Masipag Mindanao and Davao Today.

On the observance of Earth Day this April 22, Friday, environment groups will launch a “Green Candidates Forum” to provide a venue for South Cotabato voters to know if local candidates have an environment agenda.

This forum, bearing the theme, “Building pathways, forging unities for a greener and more sustainable South Cotabato” will be aired on Facebook Friday, April 22, 1:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. and co-hosted by Davao Today.

The event is organized by conveners MASIPAG, Diocese of Marbel, and farmers’ organizations.

The group is launching a “Green Votes Initiative” campaign urging local leaders to adhere to an agenda that is pro-farmers and pro-environment protection.

They had released a 10-point agenda covering the most pressing issues confronting the agricultural sector and aimed to ensure that leaders engaged in protecting, conserving for sustainable development in South Cotabato.

The agenda covers environment issues such as the continuing opposition to open-pit mining, implementation of organic agriculture as alternative to chemical-based farming, adapting climate change plans and community efforts to promote agro-ecology and agro-biodiversity, food security and health.

This agenda is backed up by at least 15 conveners such as MASIPAG, Diocese of Marbel, Deputy Governor Romullo Solivio and over 10 farmers organizations.

Candidates who would be attending the forum are Vice Governor Vic de Jesus, Alan Ines, Diomedes Madanguit and Danny Nograles.

The forum will end with the signing of the South Cotabato Green Covenant.

The candidate’s forum will be aired live via the Facebook pages of Masipag Mindanao and Davao Today.