PNP simulation exercises to start in February | Davao Today

PNP simulation exercises to start in February

Jan. 25, 2018

The Philippine National Police (PNP) Deputy Director General for Operation Gen. Camilo Cascolan (Robby Joy D. Salveron/

Davao City, Philippines – The Philippine National Police (PNP) is set to implement their Enhanced Management of Police Operations next month, a program which will increase their preparation on counterinsurgency, disaster and law enforcement procedures.

In an interview on Tuesday, January 23, PNP Deputy Director General for Operations, Camilo Cascolan said the program will consist of simultaneous exercises scheduled to start on the first week of February to immediately address issues of the task force during crisis situations.

The Department of Health, Bureau of Fire and Protection (BFP), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and other local government agencies are also said to participate in the simulation exercises.

“Coordination is key to the success of the program and it involves role-playing of disaster and security scenarios to easily identify what needs to be corrected,” Cascolan said.

He explained that the role-playing exercises will resemble real life disaster situations which during the exercises will happen real-time to let the participants use variety of resources to operate- both human and material.

“In the line of duty, everybody (police) should know what to do because lives are at risk if we are unprepared,” Cascolan said.

The simulation exercises include extensive training to all police personnel regarding: security measures, contingency planning, information on operations, feedback mechanism and when to take the offensive stance.

Cascolan added that along with the trainings, cleansing of the police force will also continue throughout the year.

“We can’t afford to have blemished police officers join the program and continue with police operations”, he said. (Iñaki Albano /