What unprecedented bonus? DepEd clarifies year-end bonus of public school teachers | Davao Today

What unprecedented bonus? DepEd clarifies year-end bonus of public school teachers

Nov. 14, 2016

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — The Department of Education clarified that public school teachers will receive bonus and cash gifts—as usual before the year ends based on the existing provisions of the law.

“DepEd teachers have long been receiving a year-end bonus equivalent to one month salary, as mandated by Republic Act 6686 and Republic Act 8441. This was further strengthened by Executive Order 201, series 2016,” it said.

DepEd’s statement came amid reports last week that public school teachers would receive “unprecendented bonus” this year.

It can be recalled that earlier this month Teachers Dignity Coalition, a Manila-based teachers group, claimed that both “public school teachers and government employees would be expecting bonuses in unprecedented amount.”

According to TDC, an entry level of a public school teacher with a basic salary of P19,077 will receive a minimum of P34,077 this year-end 2016.

But the education department pointed out that figures presented by TDC are “standard to the mandates of the Department, and consistent to the incentives received and still to be received by our teachers.”

DepEd said the cash gift is set to be given in November along with the year-end bonus. (davaotoday.com)