- RICKETY FLOORS. A woman braves climbing the second level of their house gutted by fire in Barangay 76-A in Davao City to look for things she can salvage on Friday, October 13, 2017. (Medel V. Hernani / davaotoday.com)
- AFTER THE FIRE. Children in Barangay 76-A in Davao City race to scour for wood and metal scraps and other materials they can salvage a day after a fire gutted the community of Muslim Village last Thursday, October 12. (Medel V. Hernani / davaotoday.com)
- SCRAP METAL. A boy carries scrap metal from burnt galvanize iron to sell after a fire gutted their village in Barangay 76-A in Davao City on Friday, October 13. (Medel V. Hernani / davaotoday.com)
- VALUABLE FINDS. Children sell on Friday, October 13 wood and metal scraps they found in the neighborhood gutted by fire in Barangay 76-A in Davao City for P4 per kilo. (Medel V. Hernani / davaotoday.com)
- RICKETY FLOORS. A woman braves climbing the second level of their house gutted by fire in Barangay 76-A in Davao City to look for things she can salvage on Friday, October 13, 2017. (Medel V. Hernani / davaotoday.com)
- AFTER THE FIRE. Children in Barangay 76-A in Davao City race to scour for wood and metal scraps and other materials they can salvage a day after a fire gutted the community of Muslim Village last Thursday, October 12. (Medel V. Hernani / davaotoday.com)