Teachers call for suspension of K to 12 | Davao Today

Teachers call for suspension of K to 12

Mar. 12, 2015

Educators from different colleges and universities in the country on Thursday renewed their unity call on government to suspend its Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) basic education currriculum.

Dr. David San Juan, spokesperson of Suspend K to 12 Alliance, “the government is not ready to implement a 12-year Basic education Program as mandated by the K to 12 Law as seen in the insufficiency of classrooms, facilities and instructional materials needed by the current 10-year program.”

David said insufficiency in the number of teaching and non-teaching personnel “is still a reality”.

“The government through the years had never allocated more than four percent of our GDP for education, despite the fact that the global standard is at least 6%. Predictably, K to 12 will just worsen the shortages felt right now in our 10-year basic education program due to insufficiency of fund allocations,” said San Juan.

The alliance called the K to 12 as “unprepared and ill-designed education program.”

“K to 12 as a program that is a product of minimal and undemocratic consultations with the teachers, parents and students will only worsen the problems besetting our education system,” San Juan said.