Wrongly labelled “captured NPA child soldier” to go home for graduation | Davao Today

Wrongly labelled “captured NPA child soldier” to go home for graduation

Mar. 26, 2014

DAVAO CITY -Balong, 14, looks forward for his graduation on Friday in Magpet, North Cotabato.

Balong can now join his batchmates after his family and child’s rights groups rescued him from state forces who presented him to the media as a “child soldier, informer and collector” for the New People’s Army.

The Philippine Army’s 57th Infantry Battalion Commanding Officer Nilo Vinluan declared in news reports that Balong wandered off from the NPA area and “surrendered” to a police station in Barangay Mateo, Kidapawan City.

The military also claimed that Balong told them he was active as an NPA for two years.

But his brother Christopher denied such allegation during a press interview here in Davao City facilitated by human rights group Karapatan.

Kanang giingon nila nga tig-collector sa mga tawo, binuang na. Walay kamatuoran nga ana ilang gipadangat sa akong igsoon. Kanang gikidnap sa NPA, dili na tinuod; wala gyud na naglakaw sa barangay pila ka bulan o tuig kay diha na nag-eskwela. Tomo-tomo lang na sa sundalo aron pangandoy nga dunay sala mga NPA. Mga animal sila.”

(They’re [the soldiers are] telling a lie that he is a collector.  They said he was kidnapped by the NPA, that’s not true; he has not left our barangay for months, years since he is at school.  The soldiers are just making up stories to blame the NPA. They are animals),” Christopher said.

Christopher said that the incident happened after he left on March 17 to Bukidnon, their former residence, to get Balong’s school documents from his previous school, Barangay Guinoyruan Elementary School as part of the requirements for his graduation.

His brother was surprised that when he arrived in Magpet on Sunday that his brother was not in their house and was already in the hands of the 57th IB.

Karapatan and the Children’s Rehabilitation Center contacted authorities in North Cotabato to press for the release of Balong, saying the soldiers violated various laws for illegally arresting and making false accusations on a minor.

Balong has been transferred to the custody of the municipal social welfare office in Magpet after the groups’ actions, said Karapatan Southern Mindanao secretary general Hanimay Suazo.

Christopher is traveling back to Magpet as of this writing to bring his brother Balong home and to attend his graduation.

Before Christopher left for Magpet he has these words for the soldiers.

Akong hangyo, dili lang sa akong igsoon mahitabo, basin naa pa sa sunod. Unta kung unsa ilang nakit-an dili sila magdamay og sibiliyan. Mas maayo gani kung ilang opirisyon undangon na lang, kay among panginabuhi maputol, kay sige lang sila’g opirisyon.”

(My appeal to them is that this would not happen again to other kids. If they see civilians, don’t drag them into trouble. It would rather be better if they stop their operations, because our livelihood will stop when they keep on with their operation).”

Christopher’s statement was supported by Karapatan Southern Mindanao secretary general Hanimay Suazo who said they received reports of farmers in Magpet getting threats from soldiers during their operations accusing them as NPA supporters.

Children’s Rehabilitation Center spokesperson Rius Valle said the 57th IB committed several violations of children’s rights on this incident.

“This is not just a branding case (against Balong) but also a case of abduction,” said Valle. “The military failed to turn him over to his family or assigned authorities (to look unto him), and even his whereabouts was only known to the family after March 24.”

“Abduction is one of the six grave child’s rights violations defined by the United Nations. They are putting the children’s lives on the line. This is one of the children’s right to protection.” He added.

The UN identified the other grave child’s rights violations based on International Humanitarian Law as killing or maiming of children, recruitment or use of children by armed forces or armed groups, attacks on schools or hospitals, rape or other sexual violence against children, and denial of humanitarian access to children.

The National Democratic Front has declared it has been abiding with international laws that prohibited the recruitment of minors into the NPA.

Valle urged local officials in Magpet and North Cotabato to probe this incident, and demand the 57th IB to retract their statement on Balong.

The incident came as Brigadier General Domingo Tutaan, Armed Forces of the Philippines spokesperson, declared in a public forum in Davao City that the Armed Forces of the Philippines are making strides to observe human rights and IHL.

Karapatan slammed the AFP for failing to hold into account soldiers involved in the deaths of children in rural communities in Southern Mindanao, such as Roque Antivo in Mabini, Grecil Buya in New Bataan and Sunshine Jabinez in Pantukan, all towns in Compostela Valley where the AFP declared as an area controlled by NPAs.