World's journalists demand gender equality | Davao Today

World’s journalists demand gender equality

May. 30, 2007

Delegates and participants at the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) World Congress in Moscow put the rights of women in media at the top of the agenda in an effort to press demands for an end to media stereotyping and discrimination.

A special session at the Congress on Wednesday will discuss efforts to overcome gender stereotyping in countries in transition. There will also be the launch of a new publication and a special exhibition � Stop Sexism in the Media! � as well as discussions of programmes to highlight gender rights in Russia and other regions of the world.

�The message at the IFJ World Congress is that media organisations and unions of journalists must work harder to eliminate the scourge of discrimination across the industry,� said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. �Women are still denied access to top jobs, they have inferior working conditions and they still witnesses to outdated and oppressive images of the role of women in society.�

The Russian Union of Journalists, working with the IFJ�s International Gender Council, is putting a special focus on efforts to bring about change in the countries of the former Soviet Union and will be launching a new programme based upon an IFJ project that promoted links between women journalist activists in Europe and India over the past three years.

�This is an issue that affects women working in journalism in every corner of the world,� said Nadia Azhgikhina, a member of the IFJ Gender Council and organiser of the events in Moscow. �Our aim will be to agree practical actions to improve the conditions of women in journalism and to encourage an editorial culture of mutual respect in which all journalists � men and women working together � will fight for gender rights.�

For more information contact the IFJ at its World Congress in Moscow at
The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 100 countries worldwide.

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