by Blessy Bench Salvaña, HCDC Intern

(Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
DAVAO CITY, Philippines – The Davao City Risk Reduction Management Office (DCRRMO) identified six active fault lines that comprise the Central Davao Fault System, but failed to point out its exact location in the city.
During the observance of the National Disaster Resilience Month, DCRRMO director Lyndon Ancajas cited general areas covered by the fault lines: Lacson fault which affects Calinan area, Tamugan fault which may affect Barangay Tamugan up to Toril area, New Carmen fault which affects the Tugbok area, the Colosas fault which is found in Paquibato district, the Dacudao fault which affects from Tugbok to Calinan areas, and the Biao Eskwela fault in Tugbok district.
The DCRRMO and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) monitor the fault lines during earthquakes.
Ancajas also reported that there are two parts of the fault traversing Barangay Catalunan Pequeño and Catalunan Grande, villages that are populated with numerous housing developments.
He said the government had approved of the housing projects prior to the release of the hazard map by the PHIVOLCS in February 2015 which warned of the fault lines.
He said residents living within the fault lines must relocate, but those living five meters away from the fault lines must be prepared to leave every time earthquake strikes.
He also announced that a Shake out drill will be held on July 27 at 9:00 am that will imitate a Magnitude 8.3 scenario. (