Industrial Peace in Davao Cited | Davao Today

Industrial Peace in Davao Cited

Apr. 28, 2007

DAVAO CITY — Davao City and Region XI’s industrial peace and zero-strike labor condition manifests strongly the harmony and unity of these two economic sectors in the region, according to former CSC Regional Director Leticia Competente, who now heads the Regional Tri-Partite Industrial Peace Council committee on Labor Education.

Competente, made the comments as the region prepares for the May 1 Labor Day celebration Monday.

Part of the region’s preparations is the launching of the month-long celebration of the 105th Labor Day which includes the introduction of “Pangutana Mo, I-Text Mo!” by Department of Labor and Employment Region XI Director Ponciano Ligutom at the Kapehan Sa PIA.

Competente’s comment was prompted by the report of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) that the region so far has recorded a no-strike labor activity with only two notices of strike but still pending resolution by the commission.

NLRC Executive Labor Arbiter Atty. Elbert Restauro said they will still have to determine the legality or illegality of all pending cases with due regards to labor and without being oppressive to management.

It is to the credit of the harmonious and productive co-existence between all three sectors -government, labor and management, that we were able to maintain industrial peace in the region, Competente indicated.

She said the Regional Tri-Partite Wage Board will continue to encourage such condition by introducing productivity modules to restore awareness among all sectors leading to industrial peace and economic productivity.

The Region XI DOLE was accompanied in the launching and PIA press conference by its attached agencies namely: Francis Domingo of the Overseas Workers Employment Administration, the Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA), the NLRC, the RTWPB and Philhealth and other agencies ,

In his official message at the launching of the “Pangutana Mo, I-text Mo”, Director Ligutom stated that the project “will not only generate savings, but also increased clients’ productivity because the travel time they should have spent will be re-channeled to more productive endeavors. It will also increase flexibility and appreciation to modern technology. ” (PIA XI/Romy Sabaldan)