Ka Parago to AFP: Don't Vent Ire on Civilians to Save Your Dishonor | Davao Today

Ka Parago to AFP: Don’t Vent Ire on Civilians to Save Your Dishonor

Apr. 18, 2007

1st Pulang Bagani Company
Merardo Arce Command
Southern Mindanao Regional Operations Command
New People’s Army

Press Statement
15 April 2007

NPA to AFP Eastern Command: Don’t vent ire on civilians to save your dishonor

The 1st Pulang Bagani Company calls on the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to stop venting its ire on the people of Barangay Manay and Barangay Casilac, Panabo, Davao del Norte in order to deflect attention from the dishonor it has suffered in the NPA raid on the Davao Penal Colony.

Maj. Randolph Cabangbang of the AFP’s Eastern Mindanao Command is making up stories and licking their bruised ego by wreaking havoc on the civilian populace through aerial bombardments, massive enforced displacements, and innumerable human rights abuses.

The bombing operation on Manay and Casilac was sheer chest-beating on the part of the AFP to show off its firepower and arrogance in the face of shame and defeat to the detriment of the lives and livelihood of civilians.

In order to justify bombing operations in these villages, the AFP feeds the public with the scurrilous allegation that the NPA hostaged residents to flee from its pursuit operations.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Because the NPA had not been in these areas in the first place and because it upholds the highest regard for international humanitarian law and human rights in the course of carrying out the People’s War.

The DAPECOL raid had demonstrated the NPA’s discipline and capacity to carry out tactical offensives that can result to a huge harvest of AFP arms and ammunition without firing a single shot, and more so without inflicting civilian suffering. The NPA had penetrated the wide cordon of AFP and PNP detachments and outposts that are serving to protect the expansive agricultural plantations of the big bourgeoise compradors and big landlords.

The AFP, on the other hand, true to its mercenary and fascist character, does not recognize and uphold war protocols and has, time and again, shown its contempt for human rights. By making civilians its scapegoat, the AFP only finds itself wallowing deeper in the muck of disgrace and defeat. It only further shows how their fascist ranks have become demoralized more than ever by the innumerable losses and blunders it has mired itself in.

1st Pulang Bagani Company
Merardo Arce Command
Southern Mindanao Regional Operations Command
New People’s Army

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