Court defers demolition order | Davao Today

Court defers demolition order

Jan. 29, 2015

The Regional Trial Court ruled Tuesday in favor of Cagayan Integrated Landless Residents Association Incorporated (CILRAI) to defer the execution of the demolition order that could have left more than 50 families homeless in Barangays Puntod and Macabalan in Cagayan de Oro.

RTC Branch 25 Judge Arthur Abundiente ruled that although the companies ATCO Enterprises Corporation and A&T Realty Commercial Corporation, the plaintiff-intervenors of the case, have been recognized by law as the owners of portions of the area presently occupied by the residents, the court has also considered the concerns of the resident, especially the students.

“After carefully evaluating the situation, this Court believes that giving the Movants the 90-day period may cause damage to the plaintiff but the same will NOT be irreparable,” said Abundiente in his decision.

The decision came after the residents and members of CILRAI barricaded and kept vigil at the street leading to the community.