Youth urged to use social media in helping eradicate biases against Muslims | Davao Today

Youth urged to use social media in helping eradicate biases against Muslims

Jan. 20, 2016

A member of the National Peace Council urged the Filipino youth to use social media accounts in helping to eradicate biases against Muslims.

Bai Rohaniza Sumndad-Usman, who is also a founder of the youth group Teach Peace, Build Peace Movement, said young Filipinos could help break barriers set up by differences in religion, help build bridges of understanding among peoples, and help correct individual prejudices.

“[I]f you have 3,000 or 4,000 friends in [your] social media [accounts], let’s contradict those negative messages or barriers [between religion and culture] by posting all those that we have learned everyday about peace and understanding,” Sumndad-Usman said in an emailed statement.

She also stressed “the importance of building a culture of peace in creating different generations of peace builders.”

“Through peace education, you are able to create a space for every Filipino to understand each other. You can make love and understanding beginning with the younger generation. Continuously, engage yourself not just in the Bangsamoro course but also in the peace discourse,” Sumndad-Usman said.

“The need for peace and social justice in Mindanao should be cleared or else the next generation will inherit the conflicts. Our goal is that someday the future generation wouldn’t know what war is,” she added. (