Politicking as Popularity Pageant | Davao Today

Yesterday, the Filipino nation commemorated the birthday anni versary of Dr. Jose Rizal, national hero of our country.  As expected, no fanfare was observed,  just like the commemoration of his death day which falls on December 30.   Mere wreath-laying ceremony was done on his monument in the Luneta which, by the way is marred by  controversy because of  the construction of a high rise condomonium that is considered as a “photobomber.”

Well, the national hero is not only taken for granted as a significant figure in our country’s history,  his  memorial domain landmark—the few hectares  around his Luneta  monument which has been tagged as a historical heritage—has been demeaned by the acts of certain unscrupulous politicians.   Heaven knows what has become of the moral sensibilities of our so-called political leaders!   Ambot  what dementia- carrying bacteria has infected their brains!

Anyway, if Rizal were alive today he would have denounced these pests called politicians in our national context. No! He is certainly deeply saddened by the ongoing shameful deeds of these political pests.  And surely the national hero, in his indignation, is now turning in his grave.   Kulang na lang siguro  multohin niya ang mga ito!

Look at how the candidates for the top government  posts in the coming elections have conducted themselves.   What utter depravity!   And yet each one of them, from Binay to Roxas to E rap to Cayetano, is unmindful of the obnoxious manner by which they respectively swagger around in the usual TRAPO style.   One of them can be mistaken for a sales agent of a pharmaceutical company,  marketing medical products to poor residents.  Another one, a scion of the first head of state of this republic, stoops so low as to distribute hardwares which are supposed to be delivered long ago as  part of government projects but being deceptively done at this period of his campaign sorties!  And he claims “performance” as his credential to be  licensed as a future resident of Malakanya ng!

The third one is, of course,  a consistent TRAPO exhibitionist .  From the start of his self-proclaimed campaign period,  he makes no hesitations in doing the lowliest un-statesman-ly acts just to cater to the credulity of the masses.  His blatant opportunist style carries him to remote and unlikely places like an ubiquitous ghost ignoring inclement weather just so he could woo the sympathy of the people.

And if Rizal were around — and certainly he would be among the most dynamic activist leaders in our political landscape —he would not only denounce and condemn these charlatan politicos in his most shrill voice, he would barge into the halls of Congress and chastise them, short of spitting on their thick-skinned faces.  And not only that!  Seeing the futility of elections as a vehicle to emancipate the nation from massive poverty and how these political exercises have consistently failed to catapult the country to development, he would without doubt initiate and lead a nationwide “Boycott Elections” campaign.

But, President Noynoy is the over- all supremo of these TRAPO politicking tactic s.  In fact he has been a constant endorser of the perverted ways by which the elections should be premised.   And that is — popularity! — making it in the same category as beauty pageants.  O how bankrupt and decadent our national leader’s political consciousness has become!

As has been emphasized from this end,  the only credible reliable basis for the electorate’s choice  and judgment would be the candidates’ plans and programs of governance.  Of prime concern and consideration is how these plans and or programs of action by the candidates can solve the longstanding problem of poverty and  spur development.

Character assassination and gimmickry are  signs of political immaturity and moral bankruptcy.  They are not to be given mileage as part of campaign strategy, neither in  political advertising.  The more is deceitful  gimmicks and fooleries that only mislead the already uninformed electorate.

At the outset, it would be reasonable for the youth activists of our political spectrum to join with Jose Rizal in denouncing the good-for-nothing  national elections of our country and  to resound his call for Boycott Elections!