It is only a parade of lies. Only a heartless, fascist leader as Mrs. Arroyo could lie through her teeth on the real state of the nation and deliver more empty promises while a fellow woman assassinated by death squads lies on her coffin, her family waiting for justice.
This was according to the militant women�s group GABRIELA during Mrs. Arroyo�s State-of-the-Nation Address today. GABRIELA refers to Madonna Castillo, married and has two children, a peasant leader in Isabela who was killed by two armed men in motorcycles on July 20 in front of her university.
�It is totally outrageous that Mrs. Arroyo can lie boldly, obviously, and without remorse on how she deprives us of not only our basic human needs but also of our basic human rights by pushing Filipino women into further violence,� said Emmi de Jesus, GABRIELA secretary general.
�Does she really have real concern for the plight of Filipinas in Lebanon? Why is she allowing more US troops for war in the Philippines even at the height of the Subic rape case? Why continue to allow the extrajudicial killings and human rights violations?�
GABRIELA also assails the government for pushing for the National ID system and anti-terror bill. �These measures that are in the guise of protecting national security will only embolden the military and the police in carrying out more terrorist acts against civilians. It is them who have been displacing our people from their lands, who kills, abducts and detains our fathers, mothers and children, and thus, who deserves to be called terrorist.�
�What is worst is that the government uses the people�s money to sow terror and even kill us.�
�However, no amount of toppings and colorings for GMA�s SONA could deceive the people. In every angle, GMA is revealed as a leader that has no heart for women and who needs to be ousted,� concludes de Jesus.
24 July 2006
Reference: EMMI DE JESUS, GABRIELA secretary general (09173221203, 3712302)