Mayor Rodrigo Duterte yesterday said that Congressman Prospero Nograles should have acted earlier with regards to the help and assistance he claims to have provided to jailed broadcaster Alexander �Lex� Adonis. Adding that it was the congressman who placed Adonis in the latter�s present predicament as he was the one who put him in jail in the first place.
Nograles earlier said in a statement that he helped Adonis not because of politics and there that there should be no emotions involved when a health of a person is involved. Reportedly, Nograles arranged for the special unscheduled check up yesterday of Adonis at the Davao Medical Center.
But Duterte also said the assistance arranged by Nograles, if indeed he initiated it, should not have been publicized as this would just show the insincerity of the person helping.
�He made a show out of it.� Duterte said. In the end, Duterte said, its all just politics for the congressman, nothing more nothing less.
Adonis has been languishing in jail for nine months now because of the libel case Nograles filed against him. Duterte is now asking why all of a sudden, Nograles is telling the world that there is no politics and emotions involved if indeed he is sincerely helping Adonis.
�There was no malice in the actions of the broadcaster when he discussed about the alleged actions of the congressman. He was just telling the truth and he was jailed for that and the person who put him behind bars and not wanting him to apply for probation is allegedly helping him�where�s the sincerity in that,� the mayor asked.
Duterte believes that a public official�s life is public and open, and people are really expected to talk about them.
As for the hospital bill Nograles allegedly shouldered, Duterte said that what Adonis seriously needs are medicine for his Tuberculosis and not a ballyhooed and over glorified checkup at a government-run hospital which accommodates and provides for free most of the time.
�The penal colony can surely provide the medicines�maybe Nograles should provide the things which Adonis really needs,� he said. �TB is curable but injustice to a journalist is a grave tragedy,� the mayor added. (PR)
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