Forensic report says “blunt head injury” caused Singapore OFW’s death | Davao Today

Forensic report says “blunt head injury” caused Singapore OFW’s death

May. 24, 2012
TIME TO REST.  Loren Mejos lies at her cousin Rey Gamale's lap to make-up for her sleepless nights making arrangements for the burial of their kin Apple Gamale, a Singapore OFW who died two weeks ago.  Gamale allegedly committed suicide but her family believes otherwise.  ( photo by Mick Basa)

TIME TO REST. Loren Mejos lies at her cousin Rey Gamale's lap to make-up for her sleepless nights making arrangements for the burial of their kin Apple Gamale, a Singapore OFW who died two weeks ago. Gamale allegedly committed suicide but her family believes otherwise. ( photo by Mick Basa)

The city’s medico-legal team performed autopsy on Gamale’s remains, Wednesday, and found that the Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) had “blunt head injuries” which led to her death.  But the team declined to say whether or not her skull fractures were caused by a serious fall.

Davao Today

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — “’See you in two years.  Take care, were her last words,” Loren Mejos tearfully says of her cousin Apple Gamale, whose lifeless body arrived Wednesday, May 16, from Singapore.

Gamale was buried today, at her hometown in Lupon, Davao Oriental.

The city’s medico-legal team performed autopsy on Gamale’s remains, Wednesday, and found that the Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) had “blunt head injuries” which led to her death.  But the team declined to say whether or not her skull fractures were caused by a serious fall.

Many believed Apple took her own life, as her body was found lying on a balcony in the city state’s condominium unit.  It was a leap to her death two floors below where her employers, Chew Li-Ching and Ling Kah-Hing, live.

An official from the Philippine Embassy relayed to the family that it was suicide.

Rey Gamale, however, has reasons to believe that his younger sister, Apple, could not have committed suicide.  For one, Apple died on May 11, just two days after she officially signed the employment contract.

For another, Rey said it was impossible for anyone to jump from the sixth floor and land on a balcony not even located diagonally.

“And with her jolly personality, suicide was the last thing that she would do,” he said.

According to records, the Filipino worker flew to Singapore on May 4 and was officially employed on May 9, a day before she was found missing.

Might have been beaten

Physician Danilo Ledesma, Davao City Health Office’s forensic pathologist said Gamale “had skull fractures.”

“Gamale’s knees and shoulders have contusions (bruises), as well as her right elbow and right hand,” Ledesma, City Health Office’s forensic pathologist, said.

Almost all of her rib bones were broken, Ledesma added.  The third to sixth rib on the left side of her body were broken while the fifth rib on the right was fractured.

Ledesma said the autopsy report could not alone serve as basis that she jumped from her employer’s condominium unit as “blunt head injuries can be caused beyond suicide.”

“She might have been beaten.  But we don’t know.  Only the witnesses that were on the moment it happened would know,” Ledesma told DavaoToday shortly after he performed the postmortem examination 12:45 noon, May 23.

Asked to give comment on the issue, Chief Superintendent Ronald Dela Rosa, Davao City police director, said, “Jumping off with her own free will makes no difference with that of being intentionally pushed.  Same results: fatal injuries.”

Mejos, Apple’s cousin, also an OFW in the city-state located, says she is confused until this day.  She used to work for her cousin’s employers for two years, completing her mandatory working contract and had not encountered serious problems with them.

“My employers were not really that nice but they’re also not that bad.  There are times that they would get mad at me but nothing has gone really too far,” Mejos told DavaoToday.  “But they have to face the authorities to shed light on the mystery,” she added.

Investigation needed 

The OFW’s death remains a mystery for the family and frustration towards the government is growing as days pass.

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration in the region vowed it would extend over PHP 100,000 (USD 2,298) transfer payment to the family today, said Rey Gamale.  But he says they are expecting more than financial assistance.

“Is that the only way they could help us?  How about opening an investigation so all of us would really know what caused her death?  We cannot be at peace (just by receiving financial assistance),” he said.  (Mick M. Basa/

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