"Davaoeña Ako!" Series of seminars on violence against women and children kicks off in Davao City | Davao Today

“Davaoeña Ako!” Series of seminars on violence against women and children kicks off in Davao City

Aug. 15, 2018

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – The Office of the Vice Mayor, in partnership with the Davao Lady Lawyers Association (DALLAS), conducted a seminar here on Tuesday dubbed as “Davaoeña Ako!” to empower the people of Davao to break the cycle of violence against women and children.

The seminar discussed Republic Act 9262, which is a special law that defines acts of violence against women and their children (VAWC). This law penalizes such acts and provides protective measures and remedies.

DALLAS President and seminar spokesperson Atty. Jennifer Melendez said, in an interview, that the seminar not only aims to educate women on their rights but also raise the awareness of men about R.A. 9262.

“If men do not have the knowledge about the act, they might still continue (doing those violations). So we will expand our audience for the next session by inviting men from different barangays,” she said.

R.A. 9262 covers several acts of violence, which are: a) Sexual Violence – the acts which are sexual in nature; (b) Psychological Violence – the acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim; (c) Economic Abuse – the acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially dependent upon her abuser.

In support of the VAWC law, Melendez said, Davao City Vice Mayor Bernie Al-ag will implement a livelihood program here that enables women to acquire skills.

“There are cases wherein women withdraw the case being filed against their husband or partner because they do not have economic competence and enough capability to sustain their needs,” she explained.

Melendez clarified that they are not forcing women to file a case against their partners, instead they want them to become financially independent whenever they will be separated from their partners.

Vice Mayor Al-ag said during the seminar that he wanted to further promote his advocacy on the protection of women and children.

“I give high value to women and children,” he said.

Al-ag said the holding of seminars on violence against women and children would be a year-long program of his office along with DALLAS. It would be conducted twice a month in every other Tuesday at the City Council and will be open to all interested participants.

Almost 100 members of women’s groups participated during the first day of the seminar from Brgy. Lapu-lapu, Brgy. 76-A, Brgy. 34-B, and Brgy. 39.

Al-ag also plans to invite the residents from faraway barangays such as Paquibato and Marilog. (davaotoday.com)