Primer on the Party-List System of Representation in the Philippine Congress | Davao Today

Primer on the Party-List System of Representation in the Philippine Congress

Apr. 03, 2007

Who may participate?

Instead of individual candidates, only registered organized groups may participate and these are:

+ Sectoral Party � an organized group of citizens whose principal advocacy pertains to the special interests and concerns of the following sectors:

– labor – fisherfolk – peasant

– women – urban poor – youth

– indigenous – overseas workers – veterans

– professionals – handicapped – elderly

+ Sectoral Organization � a group of qualified voters bound together by similar physical attributes or characteristics, or by employment, interests or concerns.

+ Political Party � an organized group of qualified voters pursuing the same ideology, political ideas and principles for the general conduct of the government; it may be:

[1] A national party when its constituency is spread over the geographical territory of at least a majority of the regions; and

[2] A regional party when its constituency is spread over the geographical territory of at least a majority of the cities and provinces comprising a region.
Coalition � an aggrupation of duly-registered national, regional, sectoral parties or organizations for political and/or election purposes.

* What is the basic requirement for party-list participation?

Only organized groups duly registered with the Commission on Elections, and which have manifested their desire to participate in the party-list elections, may participate.

* How may a party, organization or coalition [herein-after referred to as party] participate in the party-list election?

[a] Organized groups not yet registered with the Commission on Elections can participate by filing a petition for registration under oath. For purposes of the 2001 election, the petition must be filed not later than November 15, 2000.

[b] An organized group already registered need not register anew but shall file with the Commission a manifestation to participate in the party-list election.

When is the deadline to file manifestation?

Last day to file manifestation to participate in the party-list system for the May 14, 2001 elections � February 12, 2001.