Simple grad rites only says DepEd | Davao Today

Simple grad rites only says DepEd

Mar. 02, 2015

The Department of Education (DepEd) reminded schools to make graduation ceremonies simple but meaningful.

Education Secretary Br. Armin Luistro said graduation rites should “promote civil rights, foster a sense of community and encourage personal responsibilities.”

“While graduation rites mark a milestone in the life of the graduates, these should be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attires, or extravagant venues,” Luistro said.

Luistro also directed the public school heads to charge any expenses related to the graduation rites to the school Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) under the 2015 budget.

“Contribution for the annual yearbook, if any, should be on a voluntary basis,” he said. Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) may also donate funds as long as these are from “voluntary contributions.”

Non-academic projects including field trips, film showing, Junior/Senior Promenade, should not be imposed as requirements for graduation, according to Luistro.

The graduation ceremonies scheduled either on March 26 or 27 this year carries the theme “Saktong Buhay: Sa De-kalidad na Edukasyon Pinanday”.