Solon warns military agreements with Japan, US to worsen prostitution | Davao Today

Solon warns military agreements with Japan, US to worsen prostitution

Jun. 09, 2015

DAVAO CITY – A partylist lawmaker fears prositution will worsen with a brewing military agreement between Japan and the Philippines on top of existing military agreements with the US.

“Increased foreign military presence and intervention in the Philippines will breed another generation of Filipino comfort women,” said Gabriela Women’s Party Representative Luzviminda Ilagan in a statement on Monday.

Ilagan said Aquino is “being foolish and reckless” in entering into another military agreement amid so many unanswered questions on the existing Visiting Forces Agreement and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement with the US.

“There are several questions raised on the Constitutionality of these agreements. Furthermore, we have witnessed how our justice system has been transgressed, even bastardized in the course of prosecuting members of the US military accused of criminal offenses in our country,” Ilagan said.

Ilagan also said China’s bullying should not be used as an excuse to allow foreign military presence in the Philippines.

“It will be wise to rely on our own strength and conduct independent diplomatic dialogues with China in order to defend our territorial waters,” she said.