Displaced families in Davao coastal areas receive P2.5-M cash aid | Davao Today

Displaced families in Davao coastal areas receive P2.5-M cash aid

Aug. 05, 2019

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – The Office of the City Mayor distributed a total of P2.5 million to the families affected by the strong waves brought by the southwest monsoon over the weekend.

“The City gave assistance of P5,000 each to 522 families,” said City Social Services and Development Office Chief Maria Luisa Bermudo on the sidelines of the regular department executives meeting at the City Hall.

Other than the financial help, the City, Bermudo said, also distributed out food items like rice and canned goods, among others.

“Along with the Disaster Office, we continue to monitor the situation on the ground. We still note how many houses are partially damaged or totally damaged in order to provide assistance to them as quickly as we can,” Bermudo said. However, she said she cannot yet determine the possibility of a state of calamity.

“The monitoring is still on-going. The city disaster council will be the one to recommend it that through the resolutions of our barangay disaster councils,” Bermudo said.

Donations, through the local government, are welcome.

“Any donations to the families will be duly acknowledged and recognized,” Bermudo said.

Meanwhile, for affected families who have not received assistance, Bermudo said, their office continues the monitoring.

“We continue the monitoring for those who have not yet been assisted,” Bermudo said.

Based on the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office’s record as of Sunday, there have been a total of 1,098 individuals affected by the monsoon waves.
Nine coastal communities were involved including Barangay Bago Aplaya in Talomo District; Barangays 21–C, 22–C, and 23-C in Poblacion District; Barangays Bucana (76-A), Matina Aplaya (75-A), and Bago Aplaya in Talomo District; Barangays Lapu-Lapu and Gov. Vicente Duterte in Agdao District, and Barangay Daliao in Toril District.

The monsoon waves were last noted to have affected the same number of families in 2005.

“In the previous year, we experienced monsoon waves but the damage was not like this year. As I remember, it was in 2005 when we experienced this kind of raging waves,” said Virgie Palado, a resident of Brgy 21-C in Poblacion District. (davaotoday.com)