Bankerohan bridge to be finished ahead of time | Davao Today

Bankerohan bridge to be finished ahead of time

May. 06, 2008

AHEAD OF TIME. The construction work of the Bankerohan bridge is already 81.47 percent complete, according to the Department of Public Works and Highways. In June or July, the bridge will again be passable. The DPWH assures that the project contractor will not compromise quality even if the firm finishes the project ahead of schedule. ( photo by Jonald Mahinay)

BEATING THE DEADLINE. The DPWH vows to finish the 206.64 million peso Generoso I bridge in Bankerohan before its August 14 deadline. ( photo by Jonald Mahinay)

OVERTIME. Workers at the Generoso I bridge in Bankerohan are working from 7 am up to 1 am to ensure the completion of the bridge before deadline. The bridge had to be finished 210 days after the agreement between the government and the contracting firm Ciriaco Construction Corporation took effect on January 14. ( photo by Jonald Mahinay)